MDF milling

Milling is the most preferred way to process this material. MDF boards are produced in different thicknesses. The material is more stable than wood, so it is well suited for use in the furniture industry. Our CNC milling machine is a suitable tool for cutting parts from this material. It is possible to make holes and pits. It is possible to make molds for vacuum forming from mdf. If a thicker form is needed, several layers of mdf board are glued together Also, this material is good for making different jigs. Thinner MDF boards (up to 6 mm) can also be cut with a laser. Laser cutting allows for the production of more precise details, such as company logos.

The use of MDF

– furniture industry – interior elements -molds and fixtures

mdf-i freesimine

mdf-i freesimine

A music stand milled for Estonia Piano Factory

The price of milling MDF boards

The price of CNC milling MDF is determined by the time required for the job. Factors such as file preparation, cutting line length, perforation, and material thickness influence the cost of CNC milling.